Wednesday, August 20, 2008 tasty

So I was in charge of deciding what we cook for dinner to tonight and I had no idea until I started walking home after work. We got some great vegetables (tomatoes, yellow zucinni, walla walla onion, and summer squash, like a pickle but not pickeled) from my parents this weekend and we didn't have many groceries at home, but I knew we had spaghetti and marina sauce. I stopped by Whole Foods on my way home and got 2 Italian pork sausage and 2 Italian chicken sausage, as well as some mushrooms. Once I got home and showered from working out, I cut up all the veggies and sauteed them with some dried basil (thanks dad) and some red pepper seasoning. Christy cooked the pasta and sausage, which we sliced into nice bite size pieces. All that was left was combining it all in our odd-shaped Rachel Ray pan and, of course, eating it (my favorite part). It turned out delicious!!! We enjoyed it with a nice bottle of McKinley Springs Cabernet Sauvignon (again, thanks dad). I would include pictures, but we can't find the USB cable for the camera.

We're substituting the Olympics tonight with the Food Network. Battle Mango in Iron Stadium!!! I hope to be going to bed earlier tonight because I'm getting up early tomorrow to play 9 hole at Interbay, which is a 3 par course nearby, with some guys from work. We went last month and I'm looking forward to honing my skills. I just hope the sky dumps all its rain tonight so we won't have to play in the rain tomorrow.

Update on my foot (if you care): It felt great all day, until I ran on the treadmill for 10 minutes and biked for awhile. Now my foot is a pain in the...well, foot I guess. I suppose running isn't good for it. Bummer.

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