(Note: This was re-posted using my account. I accidentally used Christy's account the first time around)
Christy and I are watching the Inaugural Parade, recorded on our DVR from yesterday, enjoying watching history happen. Neither of us got to watch it live because I was on a business trip in Portland and Christy had to work. We watched the Inauguration last night after my train ride back from Portland and tonight are watching the parade and balls. There's not really much to say about the hole thing that hasn't already been said...but I'll try anyway.
Its weird to see Obama as President. For so many years, the public has seen him as a campaign man, selling himself as a great leader for our country. His job was to become President, other than the past few months of the transition after the election. Now that he is President Obama, its hard to see him in this new role. I think this was just a first time shock, and wears off as time goes on and he settles in. I think he and his family just look so normal. I'm not used to seeing the first family with young kids and with kind, warm smiles. I suppose that was part of the intrigue with Barack; he's not a Washington insider but rather he and his family could easily be your down the street.
It is so exciting to witness history happening, especially at a time when our country is such dire need of positive change. I am inspired by Barack's call to service; that he alone cannot change this country, but if everyone gives of their own time to serve in their community, our country will surely be a better place. While many things are out of our control, like Guantanamo, Iraq, Iran, banks, stimulus plans (although Christy and I claim we are enacting our own stimulus plan any time we go shopping), reforming healthcare (something I am growing more passionate about), national deficit, and not least of these is taking care of the environment and energy Independence; we can make a difference in the communities we live in. It can be as simple as giving blood, donating to a local food bank, build new homes with Habitat for Humanity, or just helping spending time with the elderly or disadvantaged. Its not easy, not comfortable, not convenient, but can make such a difference in other's lives. When all is said and done, that's what life is all about: building relationships and helping others. Borrowing the words of Martin Luther King Jr, we should not "judge others by the color of skin [or status in society], but by the content of their character." What do you want your legacy to be...
Well, that got a little heavy, so to end on a lighter note, today was a momentous day for the Seattle sports scene: The Seattle Sounders FC had their first practice. After months of planning and exciting announcements, it was exciting to see it all come together on the pitch. Their first game is on March 19 on ESPN2, so stay tuned for more details. I hope to go to a few of their games this year.
As for website of the week, check out this article about a new winery in Eastern Washington called Gard Vinters. If you like what you see, leave a comment on the blog. I know the writer would appreciate it.
Good night and God bless America!
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